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Water is the most basic natural building block of life. It comes from many sources - rivers, wetlands, lakes, and groundwater aquifers – and is essential to the survival of all living things; plant, animal and human. This is why we must do everything possible to maintain its quality and make sure that every drop of water we use counts, for today and for the future. |
If enthused and guided, children can become responsible water consumers by taking simple steps at home, in school and outdoors. EcoAnimation, a two year animation project, aims to help children between 5 and 8 years of age to do this by creating a series of three fun animated films for TV broadcast. With the help of a fun and personable group of characters, stacks of adventure and plenty of humour, the animations will show kids between 5 and 8 years of age that, just like the characters in a cartoon, they too can make positive changes that make a difference to our natural environment, starting with water conservation.
The animation is available to broadcasters in several languages and is accompanied by a free teaching pack for use in schools and other informal educational environments.
Please download our brochure (pdf) to learn more about this exciting project. |
With the help of leading environmental experts, children’s museums, educators, and children from five European countries, and with the backing of the European Union, the project took a holistic approach to cartoon animation production. With input from all partners, the animators created visuals and stories that aim to awaken the interest of television's youngest audience with this incredible resource. |
Business Solutions Europa – Project Coordination and Communications
Business Solutions Europa is a dynamic EU Projects and Communication agency which aims to bring Europe closer to Europeans through creative communication projects. Their team of project managers, communications and broadcast specialists has coordinated the EcoAnimation production throughout the two years of the project.www.bs-europa.eu |
Griffilms – Animation
GRIFFILMS has over 15 years’ experience in producing high-quality animated programming and graphics and is one of Wales’ most successful animation companies. www.griffilms.com |
WWF European Policy Programme – Content and Messaging
WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is one of the largest and most respected independent conservation organisations in the world. WWF’s European Policy Office is the representation office to the European Union for the global WWF network, and contributes to strengthen EU policies for the protection of the European and global environment. www.panda.org/eu |
Explora – Kids Coordinator
Explora – Il museo dei Bambini di Roma is a not-for-profit organization, and the first Italian museum designed primarily for children, school and families. In this child-sized play-town visitors come into contact with facts, phenomena and everyday events on the environment, communication, economy and new technologies. Children are offered the opportunity to discover the mystery of how things function through observation, touch and experiments, all with the help of facilitators. Explora welcomes more than 115.000 visitors each year. www.mdbr.it |
The EcoAnimation team worked with children across five European countries to evaluate the content of the cartoon animation during its entire production phase. School children aged 5 to 8 from Belgium, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy and Poland took part in focus groups and filled in questionnaires to provide the animators with their honest feedback on the characters, concepts and messages. The 'pedagogic evaluation' was coordinated by Explora, the Children's Museum of Rome and local children's museums in each country. The approach was aimed to ensure that the final animations resonate with kids of this age range.
The children and their educators also worked with the project team to develop and test a teaching pack which complements the animations produced and gives pupils an opportunity to explore water conservation issues in more detail, and of course have a little fun too! The teaching pack is available in several languages and is downloadable from the Educators Section of the website www.myfriendboo.com
The results of the 1st Questionnaire are available here. 484 children in 5 European countries participated in the focus group and answered questions on water and cartoon animations. The results are a great source of information! They have been used by the animators to develop the storylines and scripts.
The results of the second questionnaire (November 2009) are available here. It involved 395 children from five countries. They gave their feedback on characters and scripts: the aim was to test the visual impact of the characters, as well as to evaluate if the storylines convey the messages in a clear, understandable, fun and engaging way. The results are encouraging: a large majority of the children interviewed would like to join Boo and his friends in their adventures to know more about water conservation!
NEWS!The results of the third and final questionnaire are available to download. They collect feedback from children, parents and teachers on the final animation and on the teaching pack. Click here for the full report.
In this section you will find relevant news articles and press releases about EcoAnimation.
We will continue to keep you up to date with Eco-Animation in the My Friend Boo newsroom
8.3.12 |
My Friend Boo selected to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the LIFE programme. Check on page 47.
1.5.11 |
La Universitat participa en la sčrie de dibuixos animats “My Friend Boo”, una iniciativa europea per a educar en valors
1.3.10 |
Mljn vriend Boo
17.3.10 |
UK: Launch of My Friend Boo Water Strand - New series gets kids animated about conservation!
22.3.10 |
Tekenfilmserie ‘Mijn vriend Boo’ voorgesteld in Technopolis