• Animation & Character Design Style:  The majority of the children listed Spongebob Squarepants™ as their favorite cartoon character.  13,5% of children gave ‘yellow’ as their color their preference for characters.
  • Preference for ‘special powers’/ character abilities/ qualities :  The majority of children highlighted a preference for characters with some form of special ability in particular flying. They also identified a preference for characters with sporting prowess and characters who were good.
  • Activities: Not surprisingly for this age group, the majority identified characters that ‘played with friends’ as their preferred activity for their ‘model character.
  • Location: The majority of the children stated that they their ‘favorite character’ would live in a house.
  • Favorite animal: 27% of children stated a preference for dogs
  • Viewing patterns:  Children watched cartoons with their friends (61%), siblings (74%) and parents (59%)


  • What is energy? Children link the idea of energy to several different topics. Energy is linked to special powers (20,5%), movement and sport (16,3%), electricity (12,2%), and strength and muscles (11,2%).
  • What finishes and what doesn’t? 63,6% cited coal, followed by gas (58,9%) and petrol (64,4%)
  • Least polluting vehicles – 83,7% of children chose trains as the least polluting vehicle from a list of a car, bus and train.



Some ideas for characters of their own…


“Misho the juggler” by Krisi, 9 years old –Bulgaria



Drawing by Katarzyna , 7 years old – Poland



“Electric Man” by Arno, 9 years old – Belgium



“Super Apple” by Abbie, 8 years old - Ireland



“Flower Fairy” by Alina Cristina, 8 years old - Italy

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